About Me

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Hi there! I'm Alyna.. jus col me Lyna okie, dookie! :) Dan... sebenarnya ku mengharapkan disebalik senyuman mu itu....

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sumthing bout sye

I was born with the name of Alina Nur Shaida.

Make it simple, just call me Alyna or Lyna. I am biogically female and I have twenty candles on my cake, 12 October 1988.

Personally, I am energetic, ambitious and motivated plus ske sgt gelak. Considerably, talkative, warm and totally weng!! huhuhu..... I am just the way I am. I would like to have friends as many as I can espcially sumone yg gila2 n ada sense of humor yg bley wat i gelak non stop... :D

I luf travelin'+sofball so much.. thats my passion.. :P

I think enough bout me... c ya someother time! TTYS! Wink! Love ya ! Chow! :P


  1. hye babe~
    welcome 2 da club
    miz u damn much!!

  2. yeah! mish you damn muc too babe!! yup! tq. keep in touch! :)

  3. Finally...
    Love ya...=)

  4. Yup... at last...
    thank 4 da guide yea..
    love ya too babe!! :P

  5. alina~
    finally got ur own blog huh..congrats n welcome to da club! =)
    cant wait for ur next entry..
    btw, miss mango=faizah.. *wink*

  6. yea cik mempelam...
    hehehe... faizah... aku rindu gle nak wat lawak kat ko... hehehe... thanks 4 ya support... pape hal nanti if aku x taw bout blog ak riger ko... syg n rindu ko... TTys! chow!:P
